The Situation
Our customer, Eastern Alliance (“Eastern”), a commercial carrier based in the US, specializing in Workers Compensation, identified a strategic need to modernize operations using various technologies, including AI.
Claims document processing was a critical use case, so it was selected as the first area to deploy a Digital Coworker.
The Challenge
Eastern’s claims department was overwhelmed by the heavy volume of highly variable (unstructured) incoming documents that needed to be analyzed, indexed and routed to the correct recipient in a timely manner to support Eastern’s claim-handling processes.
The mailroom team, the first team to interact with these documents, was handling all documents manually and struggled to manage the high volume of paperwork efficiently:
“We had an SLA and a turnaround time of three business days to do our claims mail. We worked hard to stay at three … but it was tough.” Jen Zimmerman, Manager, Business Systems, Eastern Alliance
Eastern had tried alternative technologies and vendors but was not achieving its desired results. They often exceeded their document turnaround, taking five days (instead of three). So, Eastern turned to Roots Automation to support their program.
The Solution:
Working together, Eastern and Roots teams evaluated use cases across the claims organization and identified document intake and indexing as a priority area.
Through a series of highly interactive workshops, Eastern and Roots teams:
- Reviewed documents needed to be indexed
- Created a taxonomy of document types and outlined the data points needed to identify each document accurately
- Unpacked the capabilities of a Digital Coworker with the team and defined a new to-be process
- Built and implemented the solution alongside the team, ensuring adoption was high – which included naming the new Digital Coworker
- Eastern welcomed their new Digital Coworker – “Phyllis” – with a Pizza Party.
Critically, Phyllis leverages Root’s proprietary Generative AI solution (InsurGPTTM) to accurately and efficiently receive, analyze, process and index priority five mail (the highest-volume mail) within 1 hour (down from 5 days).
A 100x improvement in processing speed.
“We began our relationship with Roots in 2022 as part of a larger corporate strategy to use technology to be more efficient and to better serve our customers. With Roots, they're only focused on the insurance industry. They could talk our language and lead us through different workflow options; they knew the challenges we would face and we made quick decisions in a short timeframe. It was very rewarding, in the end, to have deployed the first Digital Coworker at Eastern. I'm very proud. We solved the core use case problem and accomplished our goal of implementing AI into Eastern Alliance” Harry Talbert, Senior Vice President of Information Systems, Eastern Alliance
Phyllis, Eastern’s Generative AI-powered Digital Coworker, significantly improved processing speed, saving more than 2,700 total human hours since Q1 2023!
Phyllis also enhanced accuracy by minimizing the likelihood of human error, ensuring that documents were correctly indexed and easily retrievable.
Additionally, the mailroom team's productivity and capacity were substantially boosted. With Phyllis handling the bulk of the document indexing tasks, Eastern’s claims team was freed to focus on more strategic/higher-value activities without leaving team members overworked or stressed.
The overall efficiency of the document indexing workflow was greatly improved, enabling the Customer to streamline operations and focus on improvements to other business areas.
By integrating Phyllis into its operations, Eastern significantly enhanced the speed and accuracy of document processing, ultimately transforming its claims management and mailroom functions.
After experiencing how Phyllis supercharged claims document indexing, Eastern is looking to add additional Digital Coworkers to their underwriting and claims teams.
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Fusce ac eleifend est, eget luctus justo. Morbi tincidunt urna magna, sollicitudin lacinia tellus dapibus eget. Quisque laoreet tortor lacus, at tempor ipsum placerat quis. Quisque sit amet ultrices lectus, ut pretium felis. Pellentesque mattis ac nisi vel ultricies.
Cras imperdiet placerat leo, finibus porttitor nisl euismod sed. Quisque consectetur, nisi nec consectetur faucibus, leo tortor luctus libero, in accumsan massa metus in est. Nullam vitae mollis metus, sit amet posuere dui. Vestibulum nec dui tincidunt, malesuada mauris ut, fringilla justo.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Suspendisse sodales mollis magna non consequat
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- In sit amet nisi vitae odio tristique posuere integer vel magna dignissim, sodales mauris a, tempus odio nullam orci sapien, posuere non posuere et, laoreet vel velit.
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- Maecenas viverra turpis vitae eros tempus porttitor nulla tempor nunc eros, eu elementum arcu dapibus a etiam a tristique metus.
Aliquam vel placerat sapien
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- Maecenas viverra turpis vitae eros tempus porttitor nulla tempor nunc eros, eu elementum arcu dapibus a etiam a tristique metus.
Fusce ac eleifend est, eget luctus justo. Morbi tincidunt urna magna
Sed efficitur lobortis - lacus malesuada dictum. Vivamus tincidunt, leo quis porttitor vehicula, urna dolor fringilla magna, sit amet dignissim orci velit vitae leo.
Phasellus orci felis - tristique non mollis at, rhoncus ullamcorper erat. Nunc ut aliquam lectus, vel cursus neque. Vestibulum scelerisque orci sed metus cursus viverra.
Praesent sit amet hendrerit - dolor. Fusce ante dolor, condimentum at fringilla ac, tristique nec dolor. Praesent tempor consectetur enim.