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Part 2: Benchmarking Multimodality with Real-World Insurance Data
Hunter Heidenreich
March 4, 2024
Previously in Part 1 of this article series, we took a tour through the world of multimodality in Document AI, considering text, layout structure, and visual features as separate input signals that can be used to automate document processing.
Here in Part II, we will see how Document AI performs on a real-world task necessary for all automated document processing pipelines: Page Stream Segmentation (PSS).
As a quick recap from Part I, PSS is the task of taking an unstructured collection of document pages and segmenting them into their logical documents.
To perform this comparison, we will use an in-house PSS dataset from the insurance sector. We will perform supervised fine tuning for the Encoder models we discussed in Part I. As a baseline comparison, we’ll also include XGBoost to demonstrate how traditional algorithms compare. Finally, we’ll put ChatGPT and GPT-4 to a head-to-head comparison with the multimodal Encoders to reason about whether the extra modalities are worth the complexity they add.
Our goal is to find the most effective base model for PSS. For brevity, this comparison is non-exhaustive; we expect to offer a more comprehensive dissection of performance differences following future analysis.
Section 5: In-House Dataset Analysis
Having outlined some processes essential to document segmentation in Part I, we now shift to an evaluation of the different PSS models.
To do this in a relevant context, we’ll use an internal dataset from the insurance industry consisting of 6K document packages (i.e., 12K unique documents comprising 30K pages) that we will look to accurately split.
We evaluate model performance precision, recall, and F1-score of both pages and documents. Document-level metrics are a harsher metric where a document is only correct if every page in it is correctly classified. Document precision only credits the perfectly segmented documents and document recall only credits segmented documents that exist in the ground truth data. To consistently evaluate models, we split this data 80/10/10 training/validation/testing at the package-level.
Section 6: Model Architecture and Methods
Furthermore, we unify DocAI base evaluation by using an identical model architecture between foundation models. For each page we seek to classify as a potential end-of-document, we look one page before and one page after. Each page is encoded using the base model, with its first token vector output used as its summary vector. These three vectors are then concatenated as a long vector and fed into a binary classification layer.
Concatenating these independent page representations, we supervised a classification head to determine if the page ends a document.
All fine-tuned models are trained with the AdamW optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-5, batch size of 32, weight decay of 0.01, and for up to ten epochs. The best model (as measured by validation accuracy during training) is kept for final evaluation. As a traditional machine learning approach, we include XGBoost trained on count and TF-IDF bag-of-word vectors. For zero-shot comparison of ChatGPT and GPT-4, only 10% of the test data was used to evaluate model performance due to the low performance of the zero-shot approach.
Section 7: Results and Discussion
After training our supervised models, we evaluate them on the test split of our in-house dataset and display the results below in Table 3. Immediately, we observe that ChatGPT and GPT-4 fail to achieve satisfactory performance at this task. While GPT-4’s zero-shot performance begins to approach what other models can attain with supervision, it still leaves much to be desired and at a much higher cost (both computational and financial). In contrast, our simple XGBoost baseline is extremely competitive, outperforming almost all the DocAI models and offering a strong alternative to LiLT for a very cheap computational cost.
Comparing our text-only RoBERTa model with the vision-only Donut model, we see a strong difference between the two in their precision versus recall. While the LLM has higher precision (the predicted document ends are true ends), Donut achieves higher recall (more of the true pages that end documents are correctly classified). These trends bubble up from the page-level metrics into the document-level metrics as well, where we see Donut with the highest document recall out of all models considered. Even though its recall is high, the Donut model also suffers the worst precision out of all models as well. Nevertheless, in terms of a unimodal Encoder, Donut appears to surpass RoBERTa.
By contrasting RoBERTa with LiLT, we can reason quite directly about the benefits of the spatial modality since the LiLT model is pre-initialized with RoBERTa’s weights. While the page precision is identical, we can observe that the main benefit is in boosting the model’s recall. Through significantly increasing the recall, LiLT produces a more balanced classifier that is quite competitive with Donut. Additionally, since LiLT does not use images, it avoids the larger memory requirement that Donut suffers from.
The most interesting performance stems from the multimodal LayoutLMv3 model. It slightly outperforms LiLT in both precision and recall at the page-level, but drastically outperforms it at the document level. This could be an artifact of a smaller dataset, and precise evaluation would necessarily involve repetition across random seeds. Another interesting point of contrast is that LayoutLMv3 does not achieve the high recall of the Donut model. This is to do with the different resolutions used by these two models, with Donut achieving a higher recall due to a higher image resolution. That said, LayoutLMv3 has significantly better recall than the text only LLM and reaches the highest precision out of all considered models.
And the Winner is …
So, for PSS, what is the ideal AI model?
In our case, the results show that the LayoutLMv3 model has the absolute best performance. However, it has a non-commercial license, has a higher cost to train and host due to the long sequence lengths it needs to handle due to visual inputs. In contrast, LiLT offers a close alternative that has a similar computation cost to your average text only LLM Encoder and has a non-restrictive license. Additionally, XGBoost offers a cheap and transparent model for similar performance.
Unimodal Encoders are a suboptimal selection. Where Donut benefits from multimodal pre-training to perform OCR, it has an extreme memory cost. While the high recall of Donut is intriguing enough warrant interest, the fact that LiLT generates a more balanced model that is cheaper to train and serve makes it a more appealing choice in this context.
This journey through the landscape of DocAI models reveals a complex tapestry of trade-offs. This exploration underscores the critical importance of considering not just the technical capabilities, but also the practical implications of deploying these models. As DocAI continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly clear that the most effective solutions may not always be the most advanced ones, but those that align best with the specific needs and constraints of their application. This article, hopefully, has not only illuminated the nuances of selecting the right DocAI for PSS but also inspired you to delve deeper into this fascinating and ever-evolving domain.
About the Author: Hunter Heidenreich is a Machine Learning Researcher at Roots Automation focused on developing their universal document understanding model. He joined Roots after completing his master’s in computer science from Harvard University, where he researched time-series forecasting of physical systems with an emphasis on Transformer models.
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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
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100x improvement to claims document processing for Eastern Alliance
Our customer, Eastern Alliance (“Eastern”), a commercial carrier based in the US, specializing in Workers Compensation, identified a strategic need to modernize operations using various technologies, including AI. Claims document processing was a critical use case, so it was selected as the first area to deploy a Digital Coworker.